Tuesday, May 17, 2011


well i think that what happened at the game was a really rare sight. you don't see sportsmanship like that anymore because most players are just interested in winning and in fame. even though the central Washington team lost i think their players really showed class and compassion. sarah was in a delicate state and her team really needed that home run but the were at a standstill. so when liz and mallary chose that route and helped her out they accepted their loss and chose the right. if more famous players like in the NFL,NBA and MLB chose the right and practiced sportsmanship then i think people would be inspired and be better players. for example in football games when things get heated and scores are close teams start to lose patience and get frustrated. once this happens dirty looks are exchanged and dirty comments fill the air turning the players atmosphere into negativity. but if more people saw players on tv with positive attitudes treating opponents with respect then it would spread from there. its not that hard if you think about, if you take all that negative energy that you might have during a game and use it to play better and think clearly then you will have a better chance of winning. sportsmanship isnt only proven on the field or the court, it could be practiced anywhere for example at home or on the streets and even at school. help out a classmate that doent understand something or help out a kid thats getting bullied. at home if your parents need help with chores help them out or if your little siblings are fighting tell them to stop. sportsmanship should also be included in politics and in government but sadly it isnt,resulting in wars and corruption.sportsmanship.jpg

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